Since Armed Heist is a shooter game, it requires players’ skills and strategies to win the game. The game features a wide assortment of scenarios, and in which scenario, you need to pick up different moves and gun skills in order to quickly adapt to the situation. Therefore, being flexible and learning through the process are all key points for players when playing the game. What’s more, the action-packed game requires players to be quick-minded and act fast, so it is of paramount significance for players to master the controls throughout the shooting process so that they can naturally pick up the most suitable weapon in different scenarios. Last but not the least, staying calm is a prerequisite for all shooter game players during the battle so that you could make the right action swiftly. Or else whenever you come across urgent situations, you will get completely lost and don’t know what to do next, which is detrimental to the whole strategy of the robbing plan. Hope you can gain your victory by following the instructions above. Good luck!